
Showing posts from February, 2017

Homeboy wore combat boots to the beach

"Homeboy wore combat boots to the beach" might be one of the most memorable from every 20 something year old girls teenage life. We all fancied Justin Bobby and we all secretly wanted to be Audrina riding on the back of his motorbike with our own flowery helmet...or was that just me? Either way time has past since then and its becoming clear that it really doesn't matter that JB wore his trusty combat boots to the beach...why you ask? Well I am an avid believer in ugly clothes.  Yes. The uglier the better. I have one of those wardrobes where people will text me saying "Oh my god I've found a top you would love" and it will most likely consist of one or more of my 5 must haves: 1. Denim 2. Ruffles 3. High neck 4. Leopard Print 5. And any form of short skirt. Even one of my friends Dads has turned round to her before now and said "That's a very Lucy dress" What can I say. Ugly clothes are the best. So quite frankly if JB...