As easy as A,B,C

With A-Level results being out last week, my social media pages have been over flowing with people who are going to uni or congratulating friends and siblings who have. I have also been asked countless times how uni is, what the course is like and what to take when the big move happens.

My uni life didn't get off to the best of starts, I knew I wanted to do fashion but had no real idea that there were (what seemed liked) millions of different types of fashion course. After deferring a year due purely being too scared to go, I decided to study International Fashion Marketing at Manchester Met. Boy oh boy was that a mistake to make. Obviously this is my own personal opinion and experience and does eventually have a happy ending..but the day came to move to halls (I had never actually been inside the halls and didn't actually listen at the open day) I just had an idea that I was going to be Manchesters Carrie Bradshaw *rolls eyes* So my parents moved all my stuff and left me happy as Larry getting along with all of my new roomies.

12 hours later I woke up....crying...well actually crying would be an understatement. On the phone to my parents begging them to let me pack up and come home, I'd changed my mind, came to the wrong place and that was that.

Anyway as time went on, I started lectures..cried all the way through them...went on nights out...cried all the way through them...sat in my room...cried. You get the picture. Now thankfully I had an amazing room mate who felt the same and she became my helping hand...6 months on and I still couldn't make myself enjoy anything about being in Manchester.

So after 7 months of hell my parents let me pack up and go home. I told nobody, saw nobody and simply packed up my stuff and left.

There were however 3 very good things that came from that experience by the names of Lauren, Hannah and Ryan. Responsible for giving me moments like these -

Now only 1 of us actually managed to stick it to graduation. But we all keep in touch whether it's every week or once a year but I would never give them up because of my uni hell!

Now on a brighter note, living in Cardiff and studying Fashion Promotion (which turns out to be what I actually wanted to do) I have been deputy editor of a magazine, met Henry Holland *swoon* and done more in 2 years than I thought would be possible. I also have a whole new group of pretty amazing friends.

So the point of this massive rambling is not everybody will like uni. I still feel like I need to high five every student who manages to enjoy Manchester, but the truth is that if you do go to a uni, and you change your mind DON'T PANICK! There are hundreds of unis and thousands of courses and all the time in the world to test them out. (Within reason of student finance) but my advice is 

1.Never feel stuck at a uni you don't like
2. Do give it a chance
3. Don't let hating uni stop you from meeting friends
4. Get ready to drink A LOT.

I was going to end this with a list of things you'll need for uni but...that's a tad boring and pretty obvious (plus the main thing for your first few weeks is a bottle opener) my only other advice is for those of you choosing to go into a fashion course.

It isn't like the Devil Wears Prada. 

Yes there is a mixture of people who all dress differently but I can guarantee when you first walk into that lecture hall or classroom on your first day, no matter how confident people look or how many people they are sat with...everybody is feeling exactly the same as you. Probably a bit scared, a bit self conscious and if you're anything like me...REALLY unfashionable! Try and get on Facebook and UCAS just to chat to a few people and get to recognise a few faces and it will make the world of difference :)

For a bit of inspiration I am going to (for the first time ever) post a then and now from Manchester to Cardiff just as proof that things do get better!

Oh god - THIS is the face of a girl who cried 24/7

And this is a girl who now only cries at soppy films and Robbie Williams.

 A lot can change in just a couple of years.

Have fuuuuuuuun!!!!!



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