A catch up

Well blogging world its safe to say that balancing my sudden adult life and my blogging life is becoming extremely difficult! My poor baby has been abandoned for over a month! I haven't had the spare time until right this second to take the time to type!

Quick catch up on it all...I have a new flat, a new job and still unfortunately no new man (and Robbie Williams still hasn't fallen in love with me) 

BUT luckily in my time off from blogging quite a lot has happened...my favourite thing being quite recently with Orlando Bloom punching Justin Bieber, but we'll brush over that.

OH and also I graduated!!! WOOO!!! 

I have also become the proud owner of some beautiful additions to my Michael Kors and Vivienne Westwod collections....its been a great couple of months hey!

So I finally Graduated!!

 I went to see Paul Weller with my Dad which was an amazing night!

Made better by the fact that it was sunny so I could wear my new Westwood sunnies!

I had ANOTER lovely set of additions to my collections of treats.

Me and one of my best gal pals moved into our lovely little (and now very expensive) flat.

My Parents made me the happiest girl in the world with this little beauty.

Aaaaand then I quit my job and got a hair cut! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do hey!!

Now for this. Getting on with working hard and playing hard for the next year <3

It's all be worth it!


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