ASOS made Fresh

So although I may not be a student any more, I appreciate that many freshers this year (as well as all other years) will be looking forward to loan day. I also know that when you start uni you hit a major identity crisis. When hitting this wall whats a girl to do? could go through one of those weird phases that you see people having where they dress up as a cat for a week or shave their head. OR you could head over to one of my favourite websites and shop until you create a whole new you!!

My way is best right?

So here we go...let me introduce you to the wonderful world of ASOS and it's wonderful discounts.

So I advise you now as a former Fashion student you WILL want to sign up to everything possible with ASOS get on Unidays, get on ASOS premier....EVERYTHING. It is also one of the very few places that you can get student discount on items from shops that don't actually do student discounts themselves aka River Island.

So I have picked out my Freshers top 5 pieces for you to take a look at and snap up! They are also things that I swore by or wish I had during my time at uni. (I'll place all the links to them below so you can get to them faster)

1. Now you're a student I hate to break it to you but you will actually have to carry around books and maybe even a pen. But I also advise that you keep these in a quirky rucksack...lets face it for roughly 6 months you will be experiencing hangovers like you have never had before and you will need one hand free for liquids and the other for your mobile for the morning de-brief on your walk in to uni.

This little beauty is real leather and is only £55 WITHOUT student discount!

A comfy coat! Unfortunately term will start as winter kicks in and you will be walking into uni pretty early and getting home pretty late somedays. As stated above it is also another comfort when nursing your foam party hangover and you still have bubble bath making your hair do that gross limp thing.
I will always advise a parka, they are warm and dry and can double up as a sleeping bag when you need a nap between lectures.
This is a steal at £75 and there is also 25% off winter goodies at the moment!

Comfy shoes. Don't think that you will struggle through the day in heels or high boots. But DONT stoop to wear goal trainers or wellies or anything like that! Make sure you have a comfy pair of shoes. You don't want to be the boring one who can't go for  coffee because you can't walk to Starbucks without feeling a bit sick from the pain of your new Kurt Geigers.

Brogues have always been my go to shoes. Stay a little quirky with these. For £35 before discount.

A comfy jumper. coming from a Fashion course background I wouldn't have gone into uni in sweats. (I don't own any but I wouldn't have anyway) Don't let uni break you down into one of those people who goes to Tesco in a onesie. There is literally NO need, you wouldn't do it at home in front of your parents so pretty please don't do it in Uni.
Wear a nice comfy sweatshirt to uni and let that be it.

The amount of times I turned up to uni looking like a drowned rat started to get out of hand because I was too much of a sting to invest in a decent umbrella. I spent my first year avoiding going to uni because of the rain and when I eventually got a grip in second year I started to spend so much time in Uni not wanting to walk home in the rain that...when I did buy an umbrella in third year I was a little annoyed with myself. Lets face it you all want to make an impression during your first few weeks and being "the girl who always looks like she's just got out of the shower' isn't the nick name you want.

So there you go, make sure you are the proud owner of these pretty products and you will storm your way through Freshers. Well...even if you don't storm through at least you'll be dry, warm and your feet won't hurt. Remember people won't care what you're wearing but you will want to feel nice, comfortable and confident when you're meeting new people. 
You are about to embark on the best 3 years of your life....and coming from a recent graduate I can safely say you need to make the most of it.

So download your discounts, get on ASOS, sit and wait for your delivery (which is free by the way), whack on your new clothes and go and take over the world.



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