Confessions of a shopaholic

There are not many things that I can say I'm good at in life. I can cook but I'm not chef, I can bake but I'm no Mary Berry...I can't do ANYTHING that involves DIY and my general knowledge is pretty mortifying (just ask my Dad) but there is one thing that I know for sure I am good at.

The one thing that has been my life since a toddler who cried over my mum throwing away my gingham shoes.

I am good at Fashion.

Don't get me wrong I'm not claiming to be stylish or someone that should be gracing the pages of Vogue but.... I am good and I think this skill comes more from an obsession than a talent.

Because boy oh boy can I shop.

I am obsessed with finding things that other people deem 'weird' or 'unusual' and fixing them together to make outfits. I only shop in your bog standard shops but since living in Cardiff I've kind of realised that it's nice to be a bit different.

Now it's all well and good being a dedicated shopper but there is one major downside that hits every few months (not bankruptcy just yet) but the dreaded wardrobe clear out.

I live with my friend who is a fellow Fashion graduate, fellow shopping addict and fellow clothes hoarder. We live in a reasonably sized two bedroom flat in Cardiff and we have a NIGHTMARE to store all of our stuff. We are kind of like Carrier Bradshaw, any empty space has either an item of clothing or a coffee table book slotted into it.

So today was my day for my sort out. As silly as it sounds I hate this part. I feel like I spend a lot of my time dedicated to building my perfect wardrobe, but as always as some new things go in, some forgotten items fall out.

So here is my guide to the perfect wardrobe clear out ; (don't judge)

1. Just get them all out. From everywhere. I have two wardrobes, two suitcases, three vacuum bags and 2 sets of drawers jam packed with clothes. (again do not judge) Just take a moment to revel in your work because although this looks like a mass eruption of clothing chaos, its still beautiful.

2. Remain calm. Yes this may now feel like a big mistake but it's ok. Kim Kardashian made a career out of herself by doing this...well this and other less morally satisfying things but still. 

3. Make lists. Once again inspired by SATC it is always easier to come up with ways in which you can separate your clothes. I never like a 'Throw away' pile because it's just mean.
Depending on how organised you are you obviously won't need an "iron" category. I just discovered a lot of clothes that I haven't seen..or disturbed for a long time.

Wash - The things that you hid away months ago.
Iron - The things you've been too lazy to iron and have instead just avoided wearing.
Sell - Anything you think is worth it (if your poor like me)
Store - Summer clothes if it's winter / Winter clothes if it's summer. Don't assume that you will like them by the time the seasons come back round but don't be too hasty either.
Wear - The things that you will ACTUALLY wear.

4. Your favourites. 
I am a coat and jacket addict. I LOVE nice jackets, its genetic from my Dad. Therefore because I don't like having my coats packed away, I have designated one of my wardrobes purely for them. This also limits the amount of other junk I can keep now I'm only down to one wardrobe.

(The mess in the bottom is yet to be resolved)

5. Get cracking.
I start to think about finicky things now like "If I put things on thinner hangers I can fit more in" Cue the biggest hangers switch over of 2015.
This picture also consists of the 12 pairs of socks I've had stuffed in my new Topshop loafers for two weeks since they destroyed my feet. I refuse to give them up. (the shoes not my feet) I also discovered useless items like 5 hoodies and 4 petticoats.

So now hurricane Topshop has subsided it's time to choose.
I filtered mine down by;
- What I wear most
- What I can wear in this weather
- What is newest
- How often I go out
- What I will never wear again
- What needs to be stored properly

So with my new shoes all stored in boxes (and some moved onto my bedroom shelving) my outfits organised, my handbags packed away. My wardrobe is now ready to wear.

Bearing in mind that there is no way for this amount of clothes in this small space to look good but ahhh this is better <3

Now if you're not into fashion you'll think this is the saddest way to spend a day off...if you are into fashion you'll appreciate how good this feels.



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