
Lust List

It's SUMMER!! How good has this summer been so far too? As in we have actually had sun... SUN! So I thought before the weather takes a diver (which lets face it we all know it will) I would give you an insight into my Summer lust list. Mainly from ASOS not that that is a shock to anyone. But ASOS never fail to make me fall in love over and over, if I ever have a moment of doubt with what they can offer me a quick refresh of the new in page just get my little heart fluttering again! I have already been on holiday *cries that its already over* and I had some of my favourite outfits EVER from ASOS for my trip to Cannes. THIS JUMPSUIT. Oh my god. I have never loved anything like I love this. This is the cutest summer outfit, its really fine pinstripe and the loveliest she of blue.The only issue I did have was that it occasionally felt like my boobs were going to fall out but a trusty line of tit tape did the job just fine. The front ties with two big bows and fastened ...

What a girl wants, what a girl NEEDS

As a serial shopper I find holding onto my money about as easy as finding Tom Hardy reading a bedtime story cute and not incredibly sexy. So when I came to clear out my wardrobe for its seasonal transition, I realised that I have a habit for jumping in and buying the first whacky piece I can.....a whacky piece that I can only wear once in a blue moon (because I don't like wearing the same thing twice in a week)  Now however, the light bulb has pinged and I have found 5 items that I believe every girl needs in their wardrobe to keep their outfits looking not only nice but a little bit different every time. 1. A plain white t-shirt This is one of the best basics I have ever owned thanks to good old ASOS . This is perfect for teaming with boyfriends jeans and trainers (for Sundays only) wearing under pinafores or denim dresses or teaming with another good old classic leather skirt and a sassy red lip (as I did this week) I'm prone to a leather skirt, owning silver and ca...

Why 'Girls' is the most relatable thing for people trying to Adult.

Speaking from a personal perspective, I think that being a woman with next to NO self confidence or faith in myself it is always refreshing to see the feelings most people have *especially when trying to adult* - Social Media Everyone knows that social media is tough going It's the most lethal home comparison, idealistic lives and well bull shit really. The plus of Social Media is that people can openly lie and nobody has any idea. Someone can create a life that you would love to be living, when in reality its made up of good lighting and a set up that has taken 2 hours to create *Coffee cup must be facing the right way* Don't get me wrong I use social media a lot (Facebook not so much now, thats mainly puppy videos) but I filter my pictures, select pictures to post when I'm wearing an outfit I love or when I'm out and about having fun with my friends....I don't post pictures of myself sat in my leopard print pyjamas at 7pm watching Emmerdale with sudocre...

Homeboy wore combat boots to the beach

"Homeboy wore combat boots to the beach" might be one of the most memorable from every 20 something year old girls teenage life. We all fancied Justin Bobby and we all secretly wanted to be Audrina riding on the back of his motorbike with our own flowery helmet...or was that just me? Either way time has past since then and its becoming clear that it really doesn't matter that JB wore his trusty combat boots to the beach...why you ask? Well I am an avid believer in ugly clothes.  Yes. The uglier the better. I have one of those wardrobes where people will text me saying "Oh my god I've found a top you would love" and it will most likely consist of one or more of my 5 must haves: 1. Denim 2. Ruffles 3. High neck 4. Leopard Print 5. And any form of short skirt. Even one of my friends Dads has turned round to her before now and said "That's a very Lucy dress" What can I say. Ugly clothes are the best. So quite frankly if JB...

2017 lets do this.

Im well aware that its been 2017 for 6 entire days but I work in retail and for retail workers this is our down time. We FINALLY get to have a bit of a breather after the festive season. So my newer post is coming now, all be it I was off work ill the week running up to Christmas but MY GOD I was so rough, if anyone is dealing with this disgusting viral/infectious/gross illness going round you will understand. But I thought I would cough up my usual new year post by breaking down what I want to do in 2017. I feel like 2016 was a bit of a blah year for me. Not in a bad way just in a....well nothing happened way. I spent two years focusing on getting my mental health on track and have finally succeeded with being happy and...well calm to be perfectly honest. So 2016 was kind of a "lets not rock the boat" year. Anyone that knows me knows that I'm that annoying person that is NEVER happy. Not never grateful, or never thankful but I always want more. I am always str...

26 Things you should know and do by 26

Happy (mid) November everyone! I have to apologise again, I seem to have slipped into my full time job mode again and haven't had the time to squeeze in blogging. I struggle sometimes to summon up the confidence to post, mainly because I'm in love with bloggers like Sophia Rosemary and Megan Ellaby   who are two of the BEST bloggers I have come across in a long time. Honestly check them out. But now I have just hit my 26th Birthday (Woo I managed to stay alive) and I just spent the weekend with some of my friends from school I thought I would look back over the top 26 things that I know now I'm 26. I'm talking more life, style and beauty rather than solid facts. 1. Age doesn't matter anymore. In our parents generation people met and fell in love when they were 16. Everyone was pregnant and ready to be 'families' at 26. But now so many avenues are open for you to start living your settled down life at any age, that age really is becoming just a numb...

Turning the Paige on new brands

As the seasons change we see a lot of new brands emerging whether it is independent companies launching on their own or our favourite retailers such as ASOS picking the freshest new designers to showcase. Autumn/Winter is by far my favourite season. I mean it is the season where you can get away with only shaving your ankles and fake tanning your arms and hands but the main reason is that I love layers!  Layers and jackets. The key things that make up a great Winter wardrobe. So as I was trawling through ASOS the other day I was more than happy to come across a new London based brand Willow and Paige. Not only do they have the combination of words in their brand description that make me swoon but they create some of the most beautiful and girl knitwear and pieces that perfectly capture a girl who wants to standout without feeling....well stupid really. " WILLOW & PAIGE   | Stay away from average and say hello to standout style with London-based brand Willow ...